Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Project

Here are some pictures of my new project. I like to recyle and reuse in my art. This piece uses old floppy's that I've collected. I love the pattern. Blogging is new to me and I will post as this developes.

Friday, June 27, 2008

At last Friday!

Today is Friday and it is the best day of the week. I can get through the work day knowing that tomorrow and the next day I do not report to anyone. I guess that is what self employed people like.

Last night I met with a sub group of the Swell Sister Society known as the Quirky Art Group or QAG. One of my sisters in the group said, “all I do is paint”. I looked at her with envy. Then I said, “Wow I wish I had the time; but work gets in the way.” And she said “Quit.” Interesting thought for about one second. No quitting isn’t in my immediate future. Although it was a very nice thought!

I will be 62 in about 3 months and technically I could retire. I guess I could check to see how poor I would be if I did retire. It truly is something to think about and if not this year then when? So thank you Janet for planting the seed. Now I will have to tend that seed to see if it will grow.

The group last night met to work on an art project that we probably would not normally try. In this project you put paper or fabric under glass in a picture frame (any size) which becomes your background. Once you have the background you paint on the glass with black or white acrylic paint. Very cool effect and depending on the depth of the frame it could look 3D.

All of the projects turned out great and very diverse. The best part of the evening was just gabbing with the other sisters about art and anything else on our minds. What a great treat to be in the company of other women of like mind in some aspects and totally different in others. We encourage each other to try new things such as this blog of mine. A week ago I knew noting about blogging. Of course I have much to learn. And yes I am working on displaying pictures of my art.

I am off to Oakland tomorrow for a BBQ with friends. No posts until Sunday. I know you will miss me; but I will be back.

You can’t experience success beyond your wildest dreams until you dare to dream something wild. –Scott Sorrell

I am dreaming of painting everyday. What are you dreaming?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a Wonderful Day

Yes….. today I am in good spirits. Why? I don’t know and don’t care. It is enough to feel good about the day. After my sick day I am rejuvenated.

I started a new project yesterday with old floppy discs. It is amazing to me the changes in technology in a short period of time. Everyone uses CD’s now and sometimes for me that is just to much space. I have a thumb drive (flash drive, portable drive etc.) for transporting documents or pictures. I find it the simplest for me. We’ve made the floppy obsolete. I can remember when the floppy was the only portable document carrier we used…or I used. We always had the zip drive in the offices I worked in: however I still have trouble opening them up. With all of the changes in technology you would think that the zipped files would be opened easier today. Maybe it is just me.

Yesterday when I put 50 or 60 floppies side by side they really made an interesting pattern. Not sure where it will go from here. That is the beauty of art: most of the time it takes on a life of its own. I will post a picture when I finish the piece.......if I ever get the hang of that part of this blog. As you can see my slide show is still not working. And yes I really do make art.

If anyone can really explain a widget I would truly be grateful. I basically know what it does; however I do not know how to enter the widget code into my layout. Sigh. I am not as techno savvy as I thought I was. I will keep trying.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison

Thanks Tom I will remember that while I continue to wrestle with widgets.

Quote for the day:
There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.
-Pablo Picasso

I agree. Do You?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today I am home sick. Well not sick in the true sense of the word; however I am taking a sick day. I have been having trouble sleeping at night. I wake up at all hours not knowing why. Today I woke up at 2 am and could not go back to sleep. What is up with that?

Once awake my mind starts to wander and I start thinking about stupid things: Did I take meat out of the freezer? Did I turn off the garage light? Did I send that email at work? All of which do not need an answer at 2 am. If I was solving world peace maybe 2 am is a good time to be up. Although I have some ideas about world peace…. I will never solve it.

I should probably go to the doctor; however I always wait until I think I have a brain tumor: meaning excruciating pain. I am 61 and take no regular mediations and feel quite proud of that.

Last September I was considered morbidly obese. Now the word obese is enough to give one thought and when you add morbidly it becomes overwhelming. And that is just what I thought. Even though my numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol etc) were in range, they were at the higher end. The arthritis in my knees was killing me and I thought there is no way I can work past 62. I will have to retire. All of that has changed and I am now just overweight. And you say JUST. Hey… after morbidly obese, overweight is great. I am working toward in range (normal) for my height. My knees are so much better and I can walk my dog around the block. I won’t be able to take long hikes anymore; however I get up in the morning and feel reasonably well. I am a happy camper today.

On a completely different subject; I am in the process of a collaborative art piece with my Swell Sister Society (women in the arts since 08). We each start a piece and pass it to the next sister to work on, and so on, and so on…………. until it comes back to me. What fun. I will do a show and tell when it is finished.

Is my life sad? Not today!

Quote for the day:
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. Carol Burnett

I agree. Do You?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Today I was up at 4 am. Why? I do not have a clue. I have a lot going on right now that I am interested in. That is a change for me. I have a couple of art pieces I am working on and a collaborative piece I just started.

The collaborative piece I think will be interesting. I meet some creative women about a month ago that are all interested in art and we are known as the Swell Sister Society. I never would have started this blog if not for a member of the group. Thanks Janet! We sisters come together with a common interest in art and we support and inspire each other. We have about sixty six members in the group with some more active than others. We are from different backgrounds, all ages and doing all types of art. One thing we have in common is creativity. That is awesome. As another sister says “Swell Sisters Rock. “

So I am blogging now, trying to figure out how to post my art work and resize photos for the net. My sisters have given me the confidence to do all of these things. Today I am thankful for finding this wonderful group of women. Ain’t Life Grand!

Is my life sad? Not today!

Quote for the Day:
[abstract art is] a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.
Al Capp 1909-1979

Sorry Al I don't agree. Do you?

Monday, June 23, 2008


Good Morning! Well it is back to work. UGH! It is not that I don't enjoy what I do. It is just that I would rather be doing other things. Right now I am in the middle of two art pieces and would like to stay home and work on them; however I cannot.

On Myday I mentioned that I was meeting some folks I did not know at an art gallery. I went to the gallery and while waiting in the lobby I noticed another person standing alone and asked if she was with the meet up group and she was. We were both new and had never been to the other meets and tried to make conversation.

One of the hardest things for me is to talk to people I do not know. I have always envied people that walk into a room and start talking to anyone (about anything I might add) and they seem to be enjoying the converstation. How do the do that?

We found another person waiting for the meetup and then there was three of us. We all showed up at 11 am and by 11:15 am we were wondering where everyone else was. Did we get the time wrong? Are we the only ones to show up? We decided to take a look around the gallery at the "Nude Exhibit" and of course the other permanent pieces and see if anyone else showed up. I wandered the musem and saw the exhibit and then I left. Sorry Maral and Jody for not sticking around.

I am in the middle of two art pieces (more on that to come) and re-doing my bathroom (more on that I am sure) and as much as I love art galleries other things were on my mind.

Is my life sad? Not today!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday News

Hello All. This is my first blog ever. YIKES! My new friend Janet turned me on to this site and told me it was easy. Perhaps. But what do I say to the world at large? Who cares what I think? I can't answer these questions yet. Maybe one day I will.

Today is Sunday. I really like sundays. Why? you ask. really is my down day. Although I would love to have more days called Sudnay I only get one. I try to do all of the things I want to do for myself on Sunday. Which should be called Myday.

Today I am going to the Crocker here in Sacramento to look at a nude exhibit. I can't tell you who the artist(s) is. It really doesn't matter. What is different about today is I am meeting people at the gallery I have never met before. My best friend lives two hours away and needless to say we do not see each other as often as we would like. I don't have a lot of friends and especially ones that enjoy wandering around art galleries. So I turned to the internet.

On the internet there is a place called Meet Up. You can search in your area and find different groups that meet based on a common interest. Today I am joining a Meet Up Group that likes to visit galleries. Today I will walk with the people I do not know. I will try to make small talk and be a part of a group of people I do not know.

Is my life sad or taking a new direction? I will let you know.